
MS Concept

  • prefix: msc:
  • schema: b:





Meshy Space base object b:unit has many relations. The client MAY understand these relations. The relations have a Role, and end in a unit of a certain Type. See also the base Roles.

The b:is attribute of the b:has elements in a b:unit describe the relation. When that value is in the msc: namespace, you will find it described below.


Refers to a msc:Type/Identity. Who or which process has created the payload for this unit (may be more than one). Although optional, this may be very useful for debugging. It is also required for licenses to be active. Defaults to the Creator of the parent.


To be able to produce this unit, other units where used. For instance, when this is compiled code, it may refer to the source code. It may also refer to units which describe the configuration of tools which were used, or servers where the production was run.
It MAY be useful to inspect the units where your parent is based on.


Signals that the application of this unit will break the application of other units, when they are in use in your environment. Administrator intervention or a --force may be needed to decide whether to proceed.


The reverse of the parent relation: it may refer to itself, or to units one level lower in the data structure defined by the Concept.
For instance, a unit of type msc:Role/Collection contains Collection sub-sets, but also Products and Actions. It will not contain Shops.


This unit is a logical follow-up of the referred unit(s). For instance, a previous document version or a previous software release.
The unit's b:revision is not to be used to manage releases: the newest revision is the only valid state of the unit. There are no parallel unit revisions in the same space.
It is the client's choice whether takes an action when it receives a unit which follows some other unit. A deprecation of the previous version may happen soon to force actions.


Refers to a msc:Type/Identity. The owner, possibly more than one, has special access rules to the unit. This defaults to the owner(s) of the parent unit. Either you list all owners, or use the default: you cannot selectively take a sub-set of owners of the parent.


Refers to a msc:Type/Identity. Who or which process has connected this unit to its parent: has made this unit visible.
Units MAY get re-published: have more than one Publisher. For instance, when someone feels that they need to be repackaged, signed with a stronger algorithm, and so on. In such case, it is RECOMMENDED to keep reference to the original Publisher.


A bit stronger than simply 'Follows': the receiving party is advised to remove the other unit when it is in use. What will need to happen to achieve it, is outside the scope of Meshy Space (unless the unit is a msc:Type/)


Used to optimize the exchange of units: inform the client to request for other units before attempting to use the content of this unit. (Expect bi-directional dependencies). The requirements may refer to software configurations or system names.
The when attribute of the b:has relation may help you in very convenient ways.


Refers to msc:Type/Rules. Defaults to the rules of the parent unit. The referred rule-set describes who can access which relations, and who can take which actions on the unit. One unit SHALL have no more than one rule relation, but rule role units MAY be nested.


Refers to msc:Type/Collection, which contains the secret components of your Identities. The Rules of a Wallet are by default more strict than for normal collections. It is crucial enough to give such collection its own Role.

mark@overmeer.net      Web-pages generated on 2023-12-19