
MS Base

  • prefix: ms:
  • schema: b:

Categories (Data):

Categories (Governance):



Schema element "b:Constant"

Elements of type b:Constant contain a flag which tells something by its pure existence. Maybe the processor understands what the flag means, maybe not.


<simpleType name="Constant">
  <restriction base="b:UnitRef" />


A Constant is used express something. It does not relate to a value, but represents a fact.

Constants are represented by an (absolute or relative) unit reference (b:UnitRef).

Often, the Unit with the address will not exist, but when it does existj it MAY keep track of the history of the constant, define ownership, and contain useful documentation.

Extensions may add their own constants to enumeration sets, which are defined by Meshy Space itself, when they feel the need. One SHALL not use numeric values to represent anything else than a numeric value.

You should not want to have ungrouped constants. Nor do you want to merge constants with other data.

mark@overmeer.net      Web-pages generated on 2023-12-19