
MS Base

  • prefix: ms:
  • schema: b:

Categories (Data):

Categories (Governance):



Schema element "b:prefix"

Declares additional prefixes used in the context.


<element name="prefix" type="b:Prefix" />

<complexType name="Prefix">
  <sequence />
  <attribute name="name"      type="string"    use! />
  <attribute name="urn"       type="string"    use! />
  <attribute name="namespace" type="b:UnitRef" use! />


Units and data which is distributed in a Namespace may use other namespaces, and refer to those via prefixes.

These prefix specifications are commonly found in the ms:Role/Namespace and msc:Role/Collection Units, but may appear in any Unit.

You MUST avoid using prefixes of popular protocols, like http, https, ftp, and s3, where this will probably create confusion to less experienced readers.

attribute name

Prefix names are restricted to \w[\w-]* in ASCII space. Usually they are short.

element namespace

Refers to the location (of a mirror) of the namespace describing unit.

element urn

The universal unique identifier for the namespace. This must be an domain-name within a domain you own. For instance, Meshy Space uses base.meshy.space as urn with prefix ms.


This is not XML!

Warning: Where elements of type b:UnitRef (may) use a prefix, they are not XML QName typed entities: the data itself may not contain the prefix declarations.

mark@overmeer.net      Web-pages generated on 2023-12-19