
MS Base

  • prefix: ms:
  • schema: b:

Categories (Data):

Categories (Governance):



Schema element "b:rules"

Set rules on a sub-set of the Units.


<element name="rules" type="b:Rules"
  substitutionGroup="b:native" />

<complexType name="Rules">
    <extension base="b:Native">
        <element name="inherit"           type="b:Fragment"   [0..1] />
        <element name="id_unwanted_chars" type="b:Expression" [0..1] />
        <element name="id_encode_ascii"   type="b:Expression" default="'[/]'" />
        <element ref="b:path_split"                           [0..1] />
      <attributeGroup ref="b:selector" />


Be warned: id_unwanted_chars and id_encode_ascii expect a formula: a plain regexp must be encapsulated in single or double quotes.

element id_encode_ascii

When no id is given when a Unit is created, then one is generated from its name. In the context, some of the characters in the name may be dangerous: they play a role in the path splitting or for any other reason.

The following characters are always encoded:

  • ' ': all sequences of WhiteSpace are compressed to a single blank. The Unit's full path is a word, so that blank will be encoded;
  • ':': the colon is used after a prefix. Its use indicates an absolute SCHEMA>b:UnitRef;
  • '#': the fragment indictors, at the end of a b:UnitRef;
  • '\': the backslash, which is horribly confusing to everyone; and
  • '%': the encoding indicator.

Other characters to be encoded than these can be specified with this element.

element id_unwanted_chars

When no id is given when a Unit is created, then one is generated from its name. This elements contains a regular expression for all characters and constructs which are to be removed.

element inherit

Include all the settings from an other rule-set, by default from the root set. This works recursively. The root rule-set will ignore this parameter.

element path_split

The element explains how the relative b:UnitRef path is to be interpreted. This path is either

  • a name within this Collection, or
  • a name of a Unit which refers to a sub-collection, followed by a path inside that sub-collection.

See b:path_split for the full details.


for id_unwanted_chars

Stripping characters: (mind the single/double quotes!)

'[: -]'                  # removed all colons, blanks, and dashes.
'( -> | [ ] | \.$ )'     # remove ->, blanks, and trailing dots
'( \.tar\.gz | \.zip )$' # remove trailing .tar.gz and .zip

more complex use for id_unwanted_chars

More powerfull:

<unit uid="MyRules">
  <rules when="unit.path like '/releases/*'">
    <let name="is_tgz"  regexp="\\.tar\.gz$" />
    <let name="is_zip"  regexp="\\.zip$" />
    <let name="exts"    expr="'(' ~ is_tgz ~ '|' ~ is_zip ~ ')'" />

mark@overmeer.net      Web-pages generated on 2023-12-19