
MS Base

  • prefix: ms:
  • schema: b:

Categories (Data):

Categories (Governance):



Schema element "b:exclude"

Forbid some values for a certain role, in a b:set.


<element name="exclude" type="b:Exclude" />

<complexType name="Exclude">
  <sequence />
  <attribute name="pattern"     type="b:Expression" />
  <attribute name="overridable" type="b:Expression" />


Do not allow the use of the matching constants.

When no specific constant or group of constants is mentioned, then all alternatives for the role (see b:set attribute role) which are not explicitly allowed (b:include) will be refused.

attribute overridable

The deny is overridable by an explicit allow when the expression it true.

attribute pattern

mark@overmeer.net      Web-pages generated on 2023-12-19