
MS Base

  • prefix: ms:
  • schema: b:

Categories (Data):

Categories (Governance):



Schema element "b:use"

Refer to knowledge inside another Unit.


<element name="use" type="b:Use" />

<complexType name="Use">
    <element name="include" type="b:Names" [0..∞] />
    <element name="exclude" type="b:Names" [0..∞] />
  <attribute name="from" type="b:Fragment" use! />


Take definitions from the specific fragment in an other Unit. In your context, some definitions are taken by default: from the system, Collection, Namespace, Payload, server and user Identity. Use this construct to import definitions from additional libraries.

attribute from

Refers to a definition block in this or a different Unit. The destination block might not be active: it's selector is respected.

When the Unit cannot be read, it will not result in a warning.

element exclude

When b:all definitions are imported by default, some MAY be excluded explicitly. For instance, because of name conflicts are need for a clean style.

element include

Specify explicitly which reusables MAY be used here. Only those will be passed to Units which use this reusable. By default, everything get included.

mark@overmeer.net      Web-pages generated on 2023-12-19