
MS Base

  • prefix: ms:
  • schema: b:

Categories (Data):

Categories (Governance):



Schema element "b:data"

Abstract base-class for various data processing elements.


<group name="data">
    <group   ref="b:mediatype" />
    <element name="license" type="b:Constant"   [0..1] />
    <element name="size"    type="unsignedLong" [0..1] />
    <element ref="b:checksum"  [0..∞] />
    <!-- element ref="b:signature" [0..∞] TBD -->
    <!-- element ref="b:encrypted" [0..∞] TBD -->
      <element ref="b:blob"       />
      <element ref="b:fetch"      />
      <element ref="b:source"     />
      <element ref="b:packaged"   />
      <element ref="b:attachment"  [1..∞] />
      <element ref="b:alternative" [1..∞] />
      <element ref="b:part"        [1..∞] />
    <element ref="b:preview" [0..1] />


Elements which extend this describe processing actions needed to undo transport wrappings. Processors have hard-coded algorithms to perform these tasks.

The meta-data, size, checksum, signatures, and encrypted facts describe the result of the data-apply or data-source activities.

  • b:fetch, download via a browser-like user agent;
  • b:resource, contained in another Unit;
  • b:blob, inlined in this Unit; and
  • b:attachment, transmitted as bytes in the same connection, but outside a Unit wrapper. Especially: it is not serialized as XML or JSON.
  • b:alternatives, describes multiple versions of the same content data. The user must make a choice based on its own features and the data presented.

element checksum

Checksums add some protection when the data is collected via b:fetch or b:attachment from a different source than the sum. See b:checksum.

element license

Explains the license of the data where is referred to. This MUST be pointing to a Unit of type ms:Role/Constant.License, of which many are available in spdx:License/.

element preview

For many reasons, it may require effort to collect the full data. Therefore, it is possible to include a few facts from the data. This may avoid the need for full data retreival and help searching.

This element is probably most useful when on the top of the content structure. Do not overdo this use, because it hinders standardization.

element size

The number of octets (bytes) of the actual payload, not including the size of indirect units used.

group mediatype

mark@overmeer.net      Web-pages generated on 2023-12-19