
MS Base

  • prefix: ms:
  • schema: b:

Categories (Data):

Categories (Governance):



Schema element "b:packaged"

Take an entry from the wrapped data.


<element name="packaged" type="b:Packaged" />

<complexType name="Packaged">
    <group ref="b:data" />
    <element name="entry" type="b:Bytes" [0..1] />
  <attribute name="by" type="b:Constant" />
  <attributeGroup ref="b:encapsulate" />


This recursive data element takes an extry from the a package. The entry has a meaning within that package. The data is usually a b:fetch, b:attachment, or b:source (contained in another Unit).

When no entry is given, then the full data is addressed. This can be used to apply encapsulate information on the full data.

attribute by

A constant in the set ms:Packer/.

element entry

The location of the data inside the package. For most packagers, this will be a name. For some, it may be a seek position, but it could also be a byte range. Find the details in specific ms:Pack/ implementation.

Be aware that many packers do not use utf8 for their entry keys. You may need to encode your entries.

mark@overmeer.net      Web-pages generated on 2023-12-19