
MS Base

  • prefix: ms:
  • schema: b:

Categories (Data):

Categories (Governance):



Schema element "b:namespace"

Units belong to a Namespace. The namespace may have structure, and may have a complex life-cycle.


<element name="namespace" type="b:Namespace"
   substitutionGroup="b:native" />

<complexType name="Namespace">
    <extension base="b:Native">
        <element name="language"   type="b:Constant"   [0..1] />
        <element name="fetch"      [0..∞]>
            <attribute name="base" type="anyURI"     use! />
        <element ref="b:service"   [0..∞] />


In traditional terminology, the namespace describes the physical organization and bootstrapping of connections to Meshy Space servers.

The uid of this Unit is blank, to indicate that it is ruling the namespacee. When you query a namespace for its blank Unit, you get the root Namespace Unit.

element fetch

To allow Units to refer to locations on internet via relative URIs, the Rule can define a link base. Usually, this is an absolute URI. A relative URI will be based on the wrapping collections.

When the same data can be loaded via different protocols, for instance http:, https:, and s3:, you can pass them all. It is to the user to decide which alternative is used. Also: you may give addresses for download "mirrors": the same protocol but pointing to different geographically spread servers.

element language

This provides a hint which language settings the owner of the Namespace or Collections (inherited) uses. The default for the language on the root Namespace is ms:Language/en-US.

element prefix

The namespace requires a b:prefix element to define its default prefix. This will also list all the alternative endpoints to address the namespace.

element service

Refers to services which are described in other Units, mainly ms:Role/Shard and ms:Role/Index services.

mark@overmeer.net      Web-pages generated on 2023-12-19